Deployment Process

The deployment process of the solutions produced by Quidgest ensures the possibility of rollback through the restoration of databases and application versions.

1. Make System Unavailable

  1. Put the Portal in maintenance mode
  2. Recycle the Portal's Application Pool
  3. Put the Portal Admin in maintenance mode
  4. Recycle the Portal Admin's Application Pool

2. Backup

  1. Database Backup
  2. IIS Publication Backup - Portal
  3. IIS Publication Backup - Portal Admin

3. Deploy de nova versão

  1. Prepare the publication folder for the new version of the Portal
  2. Copy the new version of the Portal
  3. Prepare the publication folder for the new version of the Portal Admin
  4. Copy the new version of the Portal Admin
  5. Take the Portal Admin out of maintenance mode
  6. Perform version change tasks in the Portal Admin

4. Make System Available

  1. Take the Portal out of maintenance mode


The deployment process implemented by Quidgest ensures a seamless transition to new versions of their solutions. The ability to perform rollbacks by restoring databases and application versions provides a safety net in case any issues arise during the deployment. By following a systematic approach that includes making the system unavailable, taking backups, deploying new versions, and finally making the system available again, Quidgest ensures a smooth and reliable deployment process for their solutions.