GenCopy Migration

GenCopy Migration Guide

1. Introduction

Genio Web has a new mechanism, which we called Customized Resources, to handle what was previously known as the GenCopy. To make full use of Genio Web, we needed to eliminate the need of having a project folder, therefore, things that lived in that project folder, like the GenCopy, needed to be migrated to the definitions. That's how the customized resources came to be.

However, in existing projects with potentially dozens of clients, all with GenCopy files, which could translate into hundreds of files, migrating them all manually would be a hassle. With that in mind, a migration feature has been made available in Genio Web.

2. How to use

Above the list of resources, there's now an "Import resources" button.

This button will migrate all resource types, both the GenCopy and any icons or images, in the disk, to the definitions. After the migration concludes, a log file with all the migrated resources will be made available.

Resources menu

Figure 1: Resources menu.

For the button to be visible, certain conditions must be met:

  • The project folder must have the same name as the definitions DB.
  • There must still be resources in the disk or GenCopy files in the project.

The following video exemplifies the process of importing the resources of a project. Some errors occur because there were invalid resources found in the definitions, but the rest were successfully migrated.

Just like in the video example, errors can also occur while migrating resources in your own project's definitions. If that happens, you should fix the issues and run the migration routine again until there’s nothing left to migrate (you can run the routine as many times as necessary).

3. After migrating

After the migration is complete, you should commit both the newly imported resources in the definitions and the removal of the GenCopy folders from the SVN.

When that's done, you can continue to edit the definitions and generate the solution through Genio backoffice, but it's highly advised that you only add or edit resources through Genio Web.