October 2024

Newly added

New options in column definition

Added new definition options to list columns:

  • Searchable columns
  • Sortable columns
  • Exportable columns
  • Column totalizers

Additionally, changed the behaviour of column show-when conditions: When the condition is not met, the column becomes fully invisible in the user interface, instead of hidden but present on the column configuration form.

All newly added column definitions can be consulted in the table list documentation (See Table list).

Encrypt fields in the data model

Maintenance mode in Vue.js

Added access rights and opening form mode to table list action buttons and buttons to form

Other features

  • Added dependencies for Alerts, Menu
  • Implemented image preview in tables in Vue.
  • Added default option for checkbox label alignment. This value can be changed in layout editor and any label alignment defined in a form overrides this default value

Important updates

GenCopy migration script

A GenCopy Migration feature was made available to help users migrate from the old GenCopy to the new Customized Resources.

Rest Webservices support for WebAdmin

  • Now, the WebAdmin Webservices (SOAP based) has a REST API Version available
  • It was added a new controller "RestAdmin" to Administration project with all methods
  • The older webservices keep available and the Quidserver was not changed to use REST API
  • Swagger is available on development environment

Other updates

  • New validation rules for deprecated altwins and manwins
  • Updates to Identity Providers to allow strict cookies
  • Added new validation rule (GenRules) to verify if the relation established by a last value is the same as the lower area where the value is obtained from.


Old Webservices generation removed

Important bugfixes

  • Added new platform (RDXSQL). Fixed warning from when generating AltWin using sql script files
  • Security check of provided SVG content in an image source used in a field with HTML content
  • Upgraded to non-vulnerable C# libraries