Identifier - Form identifier
Base area - Area from which the List will fetch fields.
Form designation - Name that the form will have in the generated program. It will appear in the form's top bar on the left side.
Form type - Special features of the Form. Ex: Pick-up, Tab, Sub-Area.
Form tab - Position in the menu.
Condition for form Create record (F11) - Conditions for creating cards using this form.
Record without leaving - It allows adding the "Apply"/"Save without exiting" function to the form. (MVC)
Conditions of registration in the form
Access levels
Finished Form - Check if the Form is completed and it is not necessary to change anything.
Manual Form - If the form fields are positioned manually.
Same Form - If the form is the same as the table it belongs to. Example: Municipality of Birth, municipality of residence, municipality of place of work, are areas of the municipality table and the forms, not to be repeated, can be defined as equal to the table to which they belong.
Condition for form Change record (F11) - Formula that allows you to determine whether or not possible to change and save the form. Ex: "If it's the end of the month, allow it" "If the credit is greater than the debit, allow it"
Read - Minimum access level the user will have to have to be able to consult the form.
Partial Form - It makes it not necessary to put all the mandatory fields of the Base Area on the Form. Not all mandatory fields in the form's base area have to appear in the form.
Next buttons - Put the "Next" and "Previous" buttons that allow you to navigate to adjacent records.
Condition for form Delete record (F11) - Conditions for deleting records using this form.
Status bar text - Text that will appear in the status bar found at the bottom of the form.
Created by - Collaborator who created the Form.
Created on - Form creation date.
Changed by - Last contributor to change the Form.
Changed on - Date of alteration of the Form.
Notes - Field used in the development environment for developer comments