Table access rights

  • Table - Area from which the List will fetch fields.

  • Title - Name to display to user in table forms. This name is used by default in table forms made automatically by the development environment.

  • QtReg - In the case of unlicensed programs, it sets a limit on the number of records that can be inserted into this table. To be used in prototypes and evaluation versions.

  • Change date - Date to consider when evaluating whether the user level can still perform a certain operation.

  • Label for change date - Description of the date to consider when evaluating whether the user level can still perform a certain operation. It will be used in the message to notify the user if validation fails.

  • Delete date - When filled in, it indicates that the indicated level can only change the record until it reaches the indicated reference date.

  • Label for delete date - Description of the date to consider when evaluating whether the user level can still perform a certain operation. It will be used in the message to notify the user if validation fails.

  • View - Minimum access level to query a table record

  • Until - Change up to

  • on Day - Change on Day

  • in the Week - Change in Week

  • Always - Change always

  • Create - Minimum access level to insert a table record

  • Until - Delete until

  • on Day - Delete during the day

  • in the Week - Delete within the week

  • Always - Delete always