
Chart is a type of special renderings provided by Genio with full customization capability. The Highcharts library has several demos of charts and functionalities that could be implemented and further enhance Genio in the future.

The main features provided by this special rendering are:

  • Simple graphs using only 2 columns to map the x-axis and y-axis;
  • Customizable graphs using unique columns (at the moment it is restricted to allowing different series (sets of data) and, for each serie, the type to be mapped and its color. Can be further added several other customization options (stacking in different categories for columns and bar charts, for example, as at the moment it is global));
  • Several types of charts available: line, spline (curved line), column, bar, pie, among others;
  • Chart sizes and positioning are customizable;
  • Text of the graph (such as title, x and y-axis names and description) need to be imputed manually. Doesn't support multiple languages;
  • Legend positioning fully customizable.

Highcharts Subtypes

Genio currently offers the following chart subtypes:


Generic subtype. Most customizable and can be used to plot several types of graphs such as lines, columns, areas, pie, among others. At the moment it's best used to plot the types mentioned earlier as others have not been tested and/or need further development. It has 2 modes of plotting data in a chart:

  1. Using an aggregated column with all the different y-axis data that needs to be plotted (mapped to yaxis) and a secondary column to differentiate and give each serie its own name (mapped to serie-title);
  2. Using a single column for the x-axis (mapped to xaxis) and several columns for the y-axis (mapped to yaxis).


Subtype that compares adjacent 2 series.


Creates a heatmap using a x, y and z(value) axis. Implemented with one color, for several, the manual code should be changed.

Customization variables


xaxis-type yaxis-type

* axis type supersedes the chart type.

graph-title xaxis-name yaxis-name description align-description serie-name

Style variables to map specific strings that are not possible to directly map from Genio (doesn't support multiple languages). In a later iteration, should be able to map the description of a field to this variables. Serie-name should only be used when making a graph with only a serie and no distinct types column.


* functionality not the same as in Genio, join or break is applied on the individual and not on the next one.






Graphs can be zoomed on the x and/or y-axis.


legend-layout legend-align legend-vertical-align
legend-floating legend-x-position legend-y-position

Style variables to control the layout, position and alignment of the graphs legend. To make a legend be inside the plot, floating needs to be true and the position of the legend needs to be manually inputted. To make the legend be in the center of the plot, align should be set to 'center' and vertical align should be set to 'middle'.

width-percentage height-px

The width percentage of a graph is in relation to the width of the page. The height of a graph is calculated in pixels.

pie-inner-size-percentage show-pie-label show-legend



Name Type Description Mandatory Allows Multiple Mappings Admitted Values Default
serie-title Mapping The title of the graph. Best when mapped to a short text field. No No Table column -
serie-type Mapping The type of the graph. Best when mapped to a short text field. No No Table column -
serie-color Mapping The color of the graph. Best when mapped to a short text field. No No Table column -
xaxis Mapping The x data of the graph. Can be mapped to DateTime, Numeric or a short text field. Yes No Table column -
yaxis Mapping The y data of the graph. Can be mapped to DateTime, Numeric or a short text field. Yes Yes Table column -
chart-type Style Defines the graphs global type. No - line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, gauge, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange line
first-color Style Defines the color of the first serie. No - Red (#FF000D), Orange (#FF7034), Yellow (#FFFD01), Green (#66FF00), Blue (#058DC7), Indigo (#6F00FE), Violet (#AD0AFD), Pink (#FFC0CB), Brown (#964B00), Black (#000000) Blue (#058DC7)
chart-color-array Style Defines a color array for up to 10 series. More can be added. Highcharts Default: [Blue, Black, L.Green, Orange, Purple, S.Red,, Yellow, D.Green, Red, Cyan]; Highcharts Default 2 (Dark):[Blue, Red, Green, Violet, Cyan, Orange, Dst.Blue, Dst.Red, Dst.Green]; Highcharts Default 3: [Blue, D.Blue, Green, D.Red, Cyan, D.Violet, Orange, L.Blue, Red, Dst.Green]; Monochrome Red (7 shades): [Light Red to Dark Red]; Monochrome Green (7 shades): [Light Green to Dark Green]; Monochrome Blue (7 shades): [Light Blue to Dark Blue]; Monochrome Grey (7 shades): [Light Grey to Dark Grey]; Opposites: [Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow, Cyan, Lime, L.Orange, L.Yellow, L.Cyan]; Rainbow (7 colors): [Red to Violet]. No - Highcharts Default, Highcharts Default 2, Highcharts Default 3, Monochrome Red, Monochrome Green, Monochrome Blue, Monochrome Gray, Opposites, Rainbow Highcharts Default
xaxis-type Style Defines the graphs x-axis type. Only use if want x-axis to shown its values in a diferent type than the global type. No - linear, datetime, logarithmic, category linear
yaxis-type Style Defines the graphs y-axis type. Only use if want y-axis to shown its values in a diferent type than the global type. No - linear, datetime, logarithmic, category linear
graph-title Style Defines the graphs title. No - - Graph
xaxis-name Style Defines the graphs x-axis name. Yes - - XAxis
yaxis-name Style Defines the graphs y-axis name. Yes - - YAxis
description Style Defines the graphs description. No - - Graph description.
align-description Style Defines the graphs description alignment. No - left, right, center left
serie-name Style Defines the graphs serie name. Only use if there is no distinct series column and mapping only 1 x-axis and y-axis. No - - -
group-type Style Defines if the graph is grouped with the one before it. No - join, break join
show-point-marker Style Defines if graph shows each point with a marker. Yes - true, false true
show-breaks Style Defines if the graph shows breaks in its data. Yes - true, false false
enable-hover Style Defines if on hover action shows label of the graph. Yes - true, false true
values-decimals Style Defines the number of decimals of the points label of the graph. Yes - - 0
zoom-type Style Defines the graphs zoom type. No - x, y, xy x
stacking-type Style Defines the stacking style of the graph. No - undefined, normal, percent undefined
legend-layout Style Defines the graphs legend layout. Yes - horizontal, vertical, proximal horizontal
legend-align Style Defines the graphs legend alignment. Yes - left, right, center center
legend-vertical-align Style Defines the graphs legends vertical alignment. Yes - bottom, middle, top bottom
legend-floating Style Defines the legends floating style on the graph. Yes - true, false false
legend-x-position Style Defines the legends x-axis position on the graph. Yes - - 0
legend-y-position Style Defines the legends y-axis position on the graph. Yes - - 0
width-percentage Style Defines the graphs percentage of width occupied in a line. Yes - - 100
height-px Style Defines the graphs height in pixels. No - - 400
show-pie-label Style Defines where the pie-charts label is shown. No - inside, outside outside
show-legend Style Defines if graph shows in legend or in label. Yes - true, false true
pie-inner-size-percentage Style Defines a pie-charts inner hole size. Yes - - 0
inverted Style Defines if graphs axis are inverted. Yes - true, false false


The complete changelog of all notable changes made to Special Renderings - Highcharts. Descriptions are written as New: or Fixed: for changes that are not considered a maintenance release.

Genio 312.23
  • (VUE) New: Initial Vue.js implementation
Genio 310.07
  • (MVC) New: Support dynamic series (using a new serie-selector mapping variable)
  • (MVC) New: Readd "serie-color" mapping variable
Genio 307.07
  • (GEN) Deprecate serie-title, serie-type, and serie-color mapping variables
Genio 306.99
  • (MVC) Improve the way the Highcharts wrapper component handles the input data
Genio 306.80
  • (MVC) Updated algorithm
  • (MVC) New: Added color arrays to better visualize the graph's series
  • (MVC) New: Automatic resize inside collapsible and accordion zones
  • (MVC) New: Can be used in offline mode
Genio 306.44
  • (MVC) Fixed: Fixed data transformation function that didn't consider some cases
Genio 306.42
  • (MVC) New: Added comparegraph and heatmapgraph subtypes
  • (MVC) New: Improved algorithm, now also permits strings in the yAxis
Genio 305.86
  • Initial Build