How to contribute?

How to contribute

There are two versioned methods available for editing this documentation:

1. Using Versioned Templates of GenioDoc in a Local Directory:
  • Start by cloning the GenioDoc repository to a local folder using Git. You can find the repository at
  • Make a copy of the relevant template(s) you want to edit in your local directory.
  • Create a new branch to support the new changes.
  • Modify the template(s) using a text editor or any appropriate software.
  • Commit the new branch with your changes, ensuring that your commits have clear and descriptive messages.
  • Add a merge request, indicating the branch you want to merge and someone as a reviewer. This step is important to ensure quality control and collaboration.
  • Wait for approval from the reviewer. They will provide feedback, suggest improvements, or approve the changes.
  • Once approved, the changes will be merged into the main branch and become part of the official documentation.
2. Using Grav App:
  • Access the Grav app by navigating to http://jenkinsvm/geniodoc/admin.
  • Log in with your Quidgest credentials.
  • Locate the specific section or page you wish to edit.
  • Utilize the editing features provided by the Grav to modify the content according to your requirements.
  • Save the changes;
  • In the menu you can find a section to push and pull the changes in GenioDoc repository, the Git will ensuring proper tracking and history of revisions.

By utilizing either the versioned templates in a local directory or the Grav app, you can make edits to the documentation while maintaining version control through Git. Choose the method that best suits your needs and preferences.

All the documentation is written in Markdown