All menus


  • Module - Choice of associated module.

  • Number - Sequence number of the new menu entry. Sequence numbers are constructed accordingly. the position of the new menu entry in the menu tree. Ex: If you are in branch 2-3, the new entry will be 2-3-1.

  • Identifier - Fixed name for the menu. If left blank, the menu numbering is used to name it. If this menu is the object of manual routines or other types of references, it is interesting to give it a unique name. This prevents that when menus are added their name is subject to change.

  • Menu type - Type of Menu to be created: List, Report, etc.

  • Inhibit - When checked, the feature associated with this feature is removed whenever the client has that feature. When there is no feature associated with this feature, this field is ignored.

  • Skip self - Indicates whether the feature filters only this menu or if it filters all its descendants.

  • Notes - Field used in the development environment for developer comments