

AdminCLI is a command-line tool for managing database configurations, performing backups and restores, and executing reindex operations on a database. It supports multiple commands, each serving a specific administrative function.
Use this to automate your CI/CD pipeline, or even in your own development workflow.


AdminCLI is part of the WebAdmin.sln solution and is built from the AdminCLI.csproj project file. To build it, navigate to the root directory of the solution and run:

 dotnet build WebAdmin.sln

To build only the AdminCLI project:

 dotnet build AdminCLI/AdminCLI.csproj

You can also build it from Visual Studio in Release


1. Database Configuration

Write Configuration

Writes a database configuration.

AdminCLI.exe dbconfig-write -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> --server <SERVER> --port <PORT> --type <DB_TYPE> --schema <SCHEMA> [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --username (Required) Database instance username.
  • -p, --password (Required) Database instance password.
  • --server (Required) Database server hostname or IP.
  • --port (Optional) Server port (default 1433).
  • --type (Required) Database type.
  • --schema (Required) Database schema name.
  • --encrypt-connection (Optional) Encrypts the database connection.
  • --domain-user (Optional) Specifies if the user is a domain user.
  • --is-log (Optional) Indicates if it is a log database configuration.
  • --path (Optional) Path to save the configuration file.
Example Usage:
  AdminCLI.exe dbconfig-write -u admin -p secret --server localhost --port 1433 --type sqlserver --schema mydb

Read Configuration

Reads the existing database configuration.

AdminCLI.exe dbconfig-read -y <YEAR> -s <SCHEMA>


  • -y, --year (Optional) Database year.
  • -s, --schema (Optional) Database schema name.

2. Database Backup and Restore

Backup Database

Creates a database backup.

AdminCLI.exe backup -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> --year <YEAR> [--location <BACKUP_PATH>]


  • -u, --username (Required) Database instance username.
  • -p, --password (Required) Database instance password.
  • --year (Required) Database year.
  • --location (Optional) Backup save location.

Example Usage:

  AdminCLI.exe backup -u admin -p secret --year 2024 --location C:\backups

Restore Database

Restores a database from a backup.

AdminCLI.exe restore -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> --year <YEAR> --file <FILENAME> [--location <BACKUP_PATH>]


  • -u, --username (Required) Database instance username.
  • -p, --password (Required) Database instance password.
  • --year (Required) Database year.
  • --file (Required) Name of the backup file.
  • --location (Optional) Backup file location.

Example Usage

  AdminCLI.exe restore -u admin -p secret --year 2024 --file backup_2024.sql --location C:\backups

Delete Backup

Removes a backup file.

AdminCLI.exe delete-backup --path <BACKUP_PATH>


  • --path (Required) Path to the backup file.

3. Reindexing

Reindex Database

Performs a database reindex operation.

AdminCLI.exe reindex -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --username (Required) Database instance username.
  • -p, --password (Required) Database instance password.
  • -f, --full (Optional) Perform a full reindex.
  • --category (Optional) Reindex by category.
  • --single-script (Optional) Reindex a single script.
  • --multi-script (Optional) Specify multiple scripts to reindex.

List Reindex Scripts

Lists available reindex scripts.

AdminCLI.exe list-reindex-scripts [--category <CATEGORY>]


  • --category (Optional) Filter scripts by category.

4. Redirect Configuration

Creates a redirect configuration file.

AdminCLI.exe create-redirect --config-path <CONFIG_PATH> [--redirect-path <REDIRECT_PATH>]


  • --config-path (Required) Path to the Configuracoes.xml folder.
  • --redirect-path (Optional) Path where the redirect file will be created.

Example Usage:

AdminCLI.exe create-redirect --config-path "C:\yourApp\WebAdmin" --redirect-path "C:\yourApp\App"

This will generate a Configuracoes.redirect.xml file in C:\yourApp\App that redirects to the "C:\yourApp\WebAdmin" .

Error Handling

In case of errors, AdminCLI will display an error message indicating the issue. Ensure that all required options are provided and correctly formatted.


AdminCLI is a versatile tool for database administration, providing essential commands for configuration, backup, restore, and reindex operations. For additional help, run:

AdminCLI.exe --help