
On this page, you will find the main settings available in the Settings menu on Genio Web. The content is organized according to the different submenus on the platform.




During project creation, the Quidgest client is automatically created, but you can also create additional clients for the same project or update the current one. In this moment, besides the client creation, all the deafult settings are created: Client: Quidgest Application with a specific platform: Vue.js + ASP.Net Module: Uses the system name. Access levels: 0 Unauthorized; 1 Retrieval; 99 Administrator


  • Client:Define the client name.
  • Acronym: Define an acronym for this client. Ensure there are no spaces.
  • Active: You can mark a client as active or inactive.
  • Contact: Insert contact information for this client.

In the client form, you have access to all client's applications, modules, features, and various settings specific to the client within the context.



During project creation, a module is automatically created, but you can also create additional modules for the same project or update the current one.

The module's form consists of different sections:

  • Identification section: Attributes to identify the current module.
  • Access Rights: Allows you to define all access rights for the module.
  • Application and Clients: Allows you to associate the current module with client applications.

Application modules

During project creation, the deffault module is associated to the default application. Wherever you can associate later more.

The module's form consists of different sections:

  • Application Section: Allows you to associate the application where you want to link the module.
  • Application Module Section: Allows you to select the module and define:
    • The year: database year.
    • If this client has Message Queuing
    • If the client uses Euro as the principal coin.


When creating a glossary, terms that are used specifically for a client can be added to it. As a result, words that are typically synonyms will consistently use the definitions provided in the glossary.

For example, if an entry is added to the glossary where the original term is "Doctor" and the translation is "Dr.", all occurrences of "Doctor" will automatically be translated to "Dr." after generation.


Genio allows project definitions to be shared among various clients. However, there is always a need to use standards and features specific to each client. Therefore, in this menu, it is possible to create features that can be associated with clients.

The creation of a feature is simply a label. However, by activating or deactivating the feature depending on the client, we can hide or show certain standards (menu, field, column, etc.) in the final application.

Features should always be defined as added features.

For example: Create a feature called ChatBot. Clients that will use Chatbot must have this feature active.

Global Settings

In this menu, you have many global settings that will affect all the project.

There are several section on this form:

Properties for the project

  • System: It is the system name, compose for three charaters. Cannot start with a number.
  • Base language: The main language of the project. Other secondary languages can be inserted, but this only affects the default texts generated by the application.
  • DB version: Version of the application's data schema. Increment this version whenever a table or field changes, so that these changes can be part of the installation process for a new version of the system. This version is managed automatically by Genio every time it is generated, but it remains an open field to allow for any manual corrections.
  • Version of the indexes:
  • Project version: Current version of the Genio IDE. All definitions are labeled with the version of Genio that is managing them. This allows not only the creation of routines for evolving the requirements model but also marking the final source code with this number. The version is managed automatically by Genio every time you start Genio, but it remains an open field to allow for any manual corrections.
  • Level to create user: By default, set to 99 (Administrator), but you can define other levels.
  • Level to create backup: By default, set to 99 (Administrator), but you can define other levels.
  • Default key width: Defines the primary and foreign key width. For example, CODPERSO.
  • Use specific project folder: When activated, allows the configuration of a specific project folder, different from the default configuration.
  • Manual generation of indexes
  • Requirements
  • Activate ChatGPT: Activates the ChatGPT features.
  • Git integration after generation: Allows you to define a repository where the generated files are stored. See more about this feature here

Genio SVN

Default values when open form editor


Integration with the platform of translations