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You must already have a role so that your new module is only accessible to that role
For demonstration purposes, we'll be using the role OWNER.
You must already have a role so that your new module is only accessible to that role
For demonstration purposes, we'll be using the role OWNER.
<<<<<<< HEAD Now let's explore what we have at hand:
Fill in the Acronym and the Name of your new module.
Insert a new Client and complete the following steps:
Module Group:
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Name: Name displayed by the module.
Icon: Change the Icon.
Wallpaper: Change the Wallpaper.
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All that's left is to give our Owner the necessary permission to access this module.
Menu type: Type of Menu to be created.
Normal: With menu entries. Example:
Ribbon: Recommended for Backoffice Applications. Example:
Module Levels:
Module Widgets:
Mandatory Forms:
Fill in the Acronym and the Name of your new module.
Insert a new Client and complete the following steps:
Choose your Customer Application;
Write your Application Module Name
All that's left is to give our Owner the necessary permission to access this module.
To do this:
Warning: Don't forget to run the Database Maintenance if you have any warnings in the WebAdmin page.
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Open User Management and for demonstration purposes, we are going to create a new user but fill free to only change the permissions of the one you already have.
Open User Management and for demonstration purposes, we are going to create a new user but fill free to only change the permissions of the one you already have.
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(For demonstration I'm going to add retrieval in another module so that you can see in the solution that we actually have access to our new module).
Advice: if you can't see your new module is probably because you still haven't added anything to the module. In the last picture, there's already a Manage Team menu in our module because I added it.
Advice: if you can't see your new module is probably because you still haven't added anything to the module. In the last picture, there's already a Manage Team menu in our module because I added it.