Log Database

The log database is a feature that allows the user to configure a new database specifically to save the logs from the platform. In some scenarios when the projects are huge, this could come as a huge benefit, since logs are a piece of information that can take a lot of space and it rarely is accessed, this allows the user to transfer all this data to a different database in a slower remote server, for example.

Configure the Log Database

This new database can be configured in the "System Configuration" section of WebAdmin, right bellow the configuration for the main one. This database is optional, meaning only the main one has to be configured, however, if the user fills a field in the form, all the required fields have to also be filled (server name, database server type, database user login and password).


Start the Database Creation Task

In order to start moving the Logs from one place to another, a creation task has to be run first. If the log database was configured correctly, three new options should show up on the "Database Maintenance" under the "Advanced Maintenance Options" on the "Logging Section". Make sure to check these options and then start the re-indexation task.


Transfer Logs

After a database has been configured and created successfully, the Logs can be transferred from the main one. To do this, head over to the "System Audit" section, make sure the "current" option is selected and then press "Transfer data to history" -> "Transfer all", to transfer all Logs.
