Input group zone


Zone grouping inputs with inputs, buttons or span tags and placing the borders correctly. This group is incorporated within the zone component class.

List of items supported within Input Group zones:


  1. Empty.
  2. Enumeration.
  3. Fixed font.
  4. Uppercase.
  5. Password.
  6. IBAN.
  7. Banking account number.
  8. Zipcode.
  9. VAT number.
  10. Social security number.
  11. Manual mask.

Button: all components.


  1. Static text.
  2. Static image.


In Form:

To implement it, it is only need to add a new entry in the form by selecting the component type Input Group.


Last add the components that you want to have within the Input Group by associating the Input Group identifier in the Group of each component.

inputGroup1 inputGroup2 inputGroup3

The result looks like this:


In Form Editor:

IGfirstStep IGsecondStep IG3step IG4step IG5step IG6step IGresultLayout IGresult