System tables

Incorporate hardcoded tables in the business of the application.



Hardcoded tables are tables provided out-of-the-box to support usual needs (e.g., user management, e-mails, etc). Even though these tables already offer some functionally, it is not possible to integrate them in the business of the application to extend their functionality even further.

System tables trackle this issue by making these tables available in Genio. New tables will be added over time, see list of currently offered tables.

Location in Genio

System tables are separate from other tables, as shown in the figure below. The MEM and PSW tables, which were already available in Genio, have also been moved to this list.

systablesmenu systables

The list of system tables is slightly different from the list of regular tables as it does not allow to create, insert, duplicate, or change a system table.


The main difference between system tables and standard tables is that system tables are completely managed by Genio. The set of tables provided by Genio is a mirror of their XML definition file, SystemTables.xml, found in the root directory of Genio.

System tables are automatically created or updated at different moments:

  • During the creation of a new project
  • After the version migration routine
    • If the Genio version changed (during a Genio update)
    • If Genio was launched with /zero

Starting in Genio 311.01, system tables are automatically created in Genio projects. To ensure there are no naming collisions with pre-existing tables, system tables' NDBF (table 5-character unique identifier) starts with S_. Additionally, the prefix S_ is now forbidden for regular tables.

Offered tables

Below is the list of currently offered system tables.

NDBF DBNAME Title System prefix
MEM - Logbook true
PSW UserLogin Passwords false
S_NES NotificationEmailSignature Notification Email Signatures false
S_NM NotificationMessage Notification Messages false
S_UA UserAuthorization User Authorization false


The complete changelog of all notable changes made to system tables. Descriptions are written as New: or Fixed: for changes that are not considered a maintenance release.

Genio 313.01
  • New: Hardcoded to system tables migration: UserAuthorization, NotificationMessage, and NotificationEmailSignature